Our Occupational Therapy Labs combine evidence-based mental health practices with industry trends in additive and subtractive manufacturing. We recognize the vital link between social-emotional wellness and vocational preparedness. Our practices are ambitious, occupation-centered, and anchored in research!!


  •  Thorough task analyses and workstation-specific protocols, standardized assessments, and technical training. Helping students understand the “factory settings” of the mind and how to loosen the grip of intrusive thought patterns.
  • Group processing and individual relflection to help students develop psychological flexibility as they learn the technical aspects of a work station. Authorship of personally-held values empowers students to align behaviors with what matters most to them.
  • We align our pracitces to imperically supported and transdiagnostic interventions from contextual behavioral science grounded in affective neuroscience. Sensory rich projects tied to metaphors help students integrate tools and strategies outside of sessions. We rely heavily on industrial waste from community partners- check out our gallery!

HOW DO WE OPERATE ON A SHOE-STRING BUDGET? Strong relationships with local colleges and universities allow us to work with future practitioners. We collaborate with local businesses who donate raw materials for our interventions and showcase our work in their retail spaces. Our connections in the community are vital to our outcomes!

 Occupational therapy – an obscure profession if there ever was one. We opted for wholeness nearly a century ago and have been at odds with the system ever since. We don’t fix people, you see: we simply try to find a way to meaning, balance, and justice. Occupational therapy blends science, humanism, intellectual rigor, and compassion. – Rachel Thibeault